Local Gov’t 101: Who you gonna call?

Gov’t 101 is full of helpful hints on where to go and who to call if you need information or have questions. To make them even more helpful, we’ve pulled everything together in one convenient place.
Other Gov’t 101 stories:
Who’s in charge
Civilian roles
Direct democracy
Public participation
Where to go…
To report an issue or ask questions about city services
Routing of Enforcement Requests
Boulder Police Department- Code Enforcement Unit
Jennifer Riley, Code Enforcement Supervisor: 303-441-1877
Report a violation: Non-Emergency Dispatch, 303-441-3333
General Information: 303-441-1875
Noise, party, non-mechanical, Special Trash Service, Signs in the ROW, Weeds, Sidewalk, snow Removal, Wood Burning, Trash, Plowing Snow into ROW, Inoperable Vehicles, Outdoor Furniture Visible, EmissionsIn this context, the GHG that are released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels to g... Vehicular, Noise, Smoking in Public Places, Pesticides, Blocking ROW Election Signs, Lighting in Public SpacesBoulder Police Department- Parking Complaints
Report a violation: Non-Emergency Dispatch, 303-441-3333
Parking Enforcement Supervisor, Parking Services General Information, 303-413-7300
M, W, TH & F 8-4, Tues 9-4:30
Parking in ROW issues, RV/Campers over 24hr, Parking in front yardsP&DS Enforcement Unit
Jon Bergelin, Code Compliance Supervisor, 303-441-3173
P&DS Zoning Enforcement
Karl Eckinger, 303-441-4284
Occupancy. Home Occupation, Lighting on private property, Illegal Units, OAU/ADU, Historic Preservation, Banners, Illegal Uses/Zoning, Parking in Setbacks/Private property, Sign Code Violations, Selling from a Mobile Structure, Sandwich boards (not in ROW), Selling from TentsP&DS Building Safety Enforcement
Kevin Bennett, 303-441-3879
Jon Bergelin, 303-441-3173
Dangerous Buildings, Property Maintenance Code, MMJ License support, Work without Permits, Fence Violations, HVAC, Noise Support, Building Code Violations, Housing Code ViolationsP&DS Rental Licensing Enforcement
Jenn Ross, 303-441-3239
Kimberly Barnett, 303-441-4239
Long-Term Rentals, Short-Term Rentals, Nuisance AbatementP&DS Right of Way (ROW) Unit
Mark Garcia, Eng Permit and Inspection Supervisor, 303-441-3291
Clint Hirschfeld, 303-441-7126
Darren Martinez, 303-441-7129
Dave Hirschfeld, 303-441-7128
Sight Triangles, ROW Encroachments, PODS in ROW, Erosion Control, Revocable Permits, Utility Violations, Ground Water Discharge Tracking, Mud into ROW Stormwater ViolationsPublic Works – Utilities
Canidice Owen, 303-413-7329
Program Supervisor Storm Water Quality
To see a calendar of city events
To watch city council meetings
If you want to know who your elected officials are
To contact local elected officials
If you want to read emails to and from city council members
To sign up for public email posts from city council members
To see city council’s schedule
To sign up to speak at a city council meeting
To view council meeting agendas and materials
To find information about the city’s boards and commissions
To apply for a board or commission
To find information about department heads
For information in Spanish
Who to contact…
If you’re not sure where to go with your question or concern
Brenda Ritenour: 303-441-1895, ritenourb@bouldercolorado.gov
If you need translation at city meetings or events
303-441-1905 or sifuentesm@bouldercolorado.gov
If you need help mediating a dispute (neighbor-to-neighbor, landlord/tenant, etc.)
303-441-4364, mediation@bouldercolorado.gov