Rachel Friend’s 2022 priorities

Councilwoman Friend set the following 5 priorities for 2022. Not all items were included in council’s official workplan.

Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)

Pick a goal, listen to experts on how to achieve it, and then fund those recommendations.

Housing affordability/availability

Reorient planning incentives away from large, expensive housing and toward compact, attainable, lower carbon forms. City should purchase homes to preserve as affordable to middle-income earners.


More robust services for individuals as they make their way toward housing, while retaining a housing-first philosophy. Establish a working group with 1-2 council members, residents with lived experience; the group would identify gaps in services that the city would then fund.

Resilience to natural disasters

Update ordinances — including fire codes for all buildings, not just those in the urban-wildland interface — shore up early warning systems for fires and floods.

COVID: Long-term planning and silver linings

Establish clearly communicated data-informed triggers for meeting formats and evaluation of additional steps like passports for indoor spaces. Identify and evaluate what to retain from COVID-era, including West Pearl street closures for outdoor dining, to-go alcohol, etc.

See what Friend campaigned on here.

View Friend’s 2021 financial disclosure here.

Friend’s 2020 priorities

  1. SB Creek flood mitigation
  2. Racial equity in CRJ
  3. Vison Zero / Transportation equity
  4. Comprehensive budget review / library district
  5. CMAP (Climate Mobilization Action Plan)
  6. East Boulder Sub-community plan
  7. Use Tables 2.0
  8. Community Benefits Phase 2
  9. Muni
  10. Existing project completion
  11. Homeless strategy
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