City Council 2022 priorities
2022 priorities / workplan
Find more information about each of these items on council members’ individual priority pages
Housing (staff will work on these, in this order, as time allows)
- Loosen restrictions on Accessory Dwelling Units (remove saturation limits, allow internal and external ADUs on one lot)
Timeline: September 2022 study sessionA council meeting where members deep-dive into topics of community interest and city staff present r... on scope and plan
November 2022-March 2023 – public engagement and council vote - Update affordable housing requirements (to incentivize more middle-income housing and smaller, more affordable units)
September/October 2022 study session on scope and plan
November 2022-January 2023 – Options drafted and presented to the community
February/March 2023 – Study session with revised options
April-July 2023 – Council vote - Change codes (such as open space and parking requirements) to incentivize smaller, more affordable units
November study session on scope and plan
December 2022-April 2023 – Consultant modeling, community outreach
May 2023 – City council vote - Launch middle-income down payment assistance program
June 2022 – review previous work
July/August 2022 – Request for proposals, hire consultant
September/October 2022 – Design program and get feedback from city council
January 2023: Launch program
Everything else
- Homelessness – Set up day shelter / service center
April-June 2022: hire staff to expand capacity
May/June 2022: Design community engagement, hire consultant
June/July 2022: Community engagement
August-October 2022: Start looking for building, resources - Transportation – Launch the CAN (Core Arterial Network) planning process for adding protected bike lanes
February/March 2022: Identify staff resources, scope community engagement
June 2022: Submit application for regional/federal funding
April-October 2022: Start Baseline Road project
November 2022: Council study session
November 2022 – March 2023: Design Baseline Road project, start Iris Avenue project
April-June 2023: Construction of Baseline
July-September 2023: Start Folsom project - Occupancy limit reform
April-July 2022: Review occupancy approaches in other cities
July-September 2022: Develop regulatory options
August-September 2022: Plan community engagement
October/November 2022: City council study session
December 2022-February 2023: Draft changes to city’s occupancy laws, present to council - TVAP (Transit Area Village Plan) Phase 2
July-September 2022: Council determination that Phase 1 is complete
September 2022 – September 2023: Draft any necessary regulatory changes, plan for financing of key projects
September-December 2023: Draft any necessary changes to Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan - Urban services study for Area III Planning Reserve
September-December 2022: Plan for community engagement and budget
January-March 2023: Hire consultants to conduct study
April-August 2023: Study completed
September-December 2023: Planning Board, city council public hearings and recommendations - 2022 ballot measure to move city council elections to even years
February-April 2022: Bring issue to charter committee for consideration
May 2022: Study session to discuss fall ballot items
May-July 2022: Community engagement
August 2022: Public hearingScheduled time allocated for the public to testify or share commentary/input on a particular ordinan... on ballot items
The above are listed in descending order according to how much support they received. Find a full vote total and breakdown below

In the parking lot
Projects staff will get to as capacity allows; supported by a majority of council
- Reduce co-op licensing burden and fees
- Code changes to allow duplexes, triplexes on corner lots in RL-1 zoning districts
Everything else
- Study feasibility of free citywide bus service
- Re-establish election commission, to begin work in 2024
- Ballot measure to increase council pay
- Disaster resilience – flood and fire mitigation plan
Ongoing work
Projects supported by a majority of council that are already ongoing
- Disaster resilience – improve warning systems, safety-related building codes
- COVID recovery – outdoor dining, health guidance
- Nuisance ordinances – improving response to noise, parking, trash, etc.
- Higher minimum wage (being pursued by county)
- Fort Chambers tribal agreement on land ownership, management
- Non-police response to mental health crises
- Reducing red tape for businesses
- Gun violence prevention
- Renter protections
- Staff recruitment and retention
2020-2021 priorities (and status)
- Boulder Electric Utility Development (entered partnership with Xcel; work ongoing)
- Climate Commitment/Climate Mobilization Action Plan (adopted new goals and strategy)
- Community Benefits and Associated Site Review Criteria Updates – Phase 2 (opted not to expand established criteria)
- East Boulder Subcommunity Plan (90% complete; to be finished in 2022)
- Financial Strategy Study Committee (work ongoing)
- Homelessness (various work ongoing)
- Housing (various work ongoing)
- Police Oversight (established citizen oversight group, hired independent monitor)
- South Boulder Creek Flood Mitigation/CU South Annexation (annexation approved; flood work ongoing)
- Use Tables and Standards – Phase 2 (work paused during pandemic)
- Vision Zero (residential speed limit lowered; other work ongoing)