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Seats still open on 6 Boulder boards and commissions

Photo by nikohoshi on Unsplash

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

Six Boulder boards and commissions still have open seats, according to an update from city council: Board of Zoning Adjustment (BOZA), Downtown Management Commission (DMC), Boulder Urban Renewal Authority (BURA), Boulder Junction Access District- Parking Commission (BJAD-PC), Boulder Junction Access District- TDM, University Hill Commercial Area Management Commission (UHCAMC).

The application periods for these boards will be “kept open until we get some applications,” Mayor Suzanne Jones said during Tuesday’s meeting.

Here are the seats and terms available and a brief description of the groups’ purpose, per the city’s website:


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Hears appeals from developers, architects and builders whose building permit applications have been denied. BOZA may modify the application of specific zoning requirements and hear appeals to decisions made by the zoning administrator.”

Seeking: One resident member through March 31, 2024

Meets: 5 p.m., second Thursday of the month

Existing members: Ellen McCready, David Schafer, Jill Lester, Raymond Rudd


“Manages the Pearl Street Mall and the Central Area General Improvement District (CAGID). Review(s) CAGID’s policies, programs and operations.”

Seeking: One property owner/representative through March 31, 2024

Meets: 4 p.m., second Tuesday of the month

Existing members: Andrew Niemeyer (citizen), Adam Knoff (property owner), Jerry Shapins (citizen), Sue Deans (property representative), Eli Feldman (property owner)


“Responsible for encouraging the redevelopment of property within City Council-established redevelopment districts.”

Seeking: Two resident members through March 31, 2024 (Per the city website: “Any BURA board applicant owning property within the 9th Street and Canyon Boulevard and/or the Boulder Valley Regional Center redevelopment districts must fully disclose the extent of holdings.”)

Meets: As needed; not on a regular basis.


“Makes recommendations to City Council and City departments regarding parking issues and land acquisition and development for parking needs in the district.”

Seeking: One property owner/representative through March 31, 2024

Meets: 4 p.m. first Tuesday of the month


“Meet at the same time and location, and are treated as a joint commission. In the future, after Boulder Junction is complete, the two commissions will act independently.”

Parking commission makes “decisions or provide recommendations to the board of directors in furthering the purpose of the Boulder Junction Access District – Parking Commission including providing parking related services and improvements to the District.

Transportation demand management commission makes “decisions or provide recommendations to the board of directors in furthering the purpose of the Boulder Junction Access District – Travel Demand Management Commission including providing alternative modes of transportation related services and improvements to the District.”

Seeking: One resident member through March 31, 2024, one property owner/representative through March 31, 2022 (BJAD-PC); one property owner/representative through March 31, 2023; one resident member through March 31, 2024 (BJAD-TDM)

Meets: 4-6 p.m. third Wednesday of the month

Group interviews will be held on Thursday, March 7; Tuesday, March 12 or Thursday, March 14. The interview list will be posted next Tuesday, February 26.

— Shay Castle,, @shayshinecastle

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