Muni 101: A Glossary
Helpful definitions for navigating a complex topic

Helpful definitions for navigating a complex topic
Should Boulder pause municipalization and do a deal with Xcel?
Read more Boulder Ballot Measures 2C and 2D: Xcel settlement and UOT extension
10 years of history and arguments for/against a city-owned utility or a deal with Xcel
Deal would end 10-year effort for city utility; promises renewables, upgrades
100-plus permanently close due to crisis
Read more Survey: 96% of Boulder businesses report COVID impacts
City has spent $26.4M on utility efforts to date
Read more Boulder may borrow $185K from cash-strapped general fund to keep muni going
No timeline for city to file condemnation as PUC takes timeout
Read more Boulder, Xcel haggling over assets; $20M spent on muni so far