A 5-minute guide to Boulder City Council + Mayor candidates
Demographics + Background
- Taishya Adams, Silas Atkins, Jacques Decalo (lives at home with family),
- Terri Brncic, Aaron Brockett, Waylon Lewis, Tina Marquis, Jenny Robins, Ryan Schuchard, Nicole Speer, Paul Tweedlie, Tara Winer, Bob Yates
Government experience (external or City of Boulder)
- Taishya Adams (Police Oversight Panel, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission)
- Silas Atkins (Elevate Boulder guaranteed income task force)
- Aaron Brockett (mayor and City Council member)
- Tina Marquis (Boulder Valley School District board member and president)
- Ryan Schuchard (Transportation Advisory Board)
- Nicole Speer (council member)
- Tara Winer (council member)
- Bob Yates (council member)
No previous government experience
- Jacques Decalo, Aaron Gabriel Neyer, Terri Brncic, Waylon Lewis, Jenny Robins, Paul Tweedlie
On the Issues
Candidates are listed in the order they responded to questions
Would you support rent stabilization?
(Some limits on how much rents can be raised, typically in a given time period. Learn more.)
- Silas Atkins, Jenny Robins, Aaron Gabriel Neyer, Nicole Speer, Ryan Schuchard, Taishya Adams, Aaron Brockett, Tara Winer, Jacques Decalo
- Terri Brncic, Waylon Lewis
- Tina Marquis: “Yes, in some cases. How it is implemented is important.”
- Bob Yates has twice indicated support for rent control or rent stabilization (at a public event and in response to an emailed questionnaire) and twice stated that he opposed rent control (at events hosted by the Boulder Chamber of Commerce and a landlord lobbying group).
Note: Waylon Lewis also gave conflicting answers to this question, indicating support for rent control (which is technically and subtly different from rent stabilization) at the Raucous Caucus candidate forum.
Do you support Boulder’s recent expansion of occupancy limits?
(Rules limiting how many unrelated adults can live together. City Council raised the limits from 3 to 5. Learn more.)
- Silas Atkins, Aaron Gabriel Neyer, Nicole Speer, Ryan Schuchard, Taishya Adams, Aaron Brockett, Waylon Lewis (but “I would amend to include affordability”)
- Paul Tweedlie, Terri Brncic, Jenny Robins, Bob Yates, Tara Winer, Tina Marquis, Jacques Decalo
Supported raising Boulder’s minimum wage in:
2024 (accelerated timeline)
- Silas Atkins, Aaron Gabriel Neyer, Nicole Speer, Ryan Schuchard, Taishya Adams, Aaron Brockett, Waylon Lewis
2025 (original plan)
- Terri Brncic, Jenny Robins, Bob Yates, Tara Winer, Tina Marquis, Jacques Decalo
Does not support minimum wage increase: Paul Tweedlie
Learn more about this issue
Would you continue the city’s current encampment removal strategy?
(Camping/living outside is illegal everywhere in Boulder. The city has two in-house removal teams and a dedicated police unit. The current approach, in place since October 2021, costs the city roughly $3 million each year. Learn more.)
- Paul Tweedlie, Terri Brncic, Jenny Robins, Bob Yates, Ryan Schuchard (“for now”), Aaron Brockett, Tara Winer, Tina Marquis, Waylon Lewis (“but have a place for [the] homeless to go that is safe and has wraparound services”)
- Silas Atkins, Aaron Gabriel Neyer, Nicole Speer, Taishya Adams
Should the Police Oversight Panel have more authority over discipline when officers are found guilty of misconduct?
(The sole authority for deciding discipline currently lies with the police chief. Learn more)
- Silas Atkins, Aaron Gabriel Neyer, Nicole Speer, Ryan Schuchard, Taishya Adams, Aaron Brockett, Jacques Decalo
- Paul Tweedlie, Terri Brncic, Jenny Robins, Bob Yates
- Waylon Lewis: “They should have a say; not sure how much they have at present,” he wrote in response to an emailed questionnaire. Lewis previously answered “yes” to this question at the Raucous Caucus.
- Tara Winer: “Possibly,” she answered in response to an emailed questionnaire. At the Raucous Caucus, she answered, “Yes” and later clarified: “a little, but not much more.”
- Tina Marquis: “More say is simply too ambiguous. If it means the panel can provide feedback, yes, but I don’t view the police oversight panel replacing or overriding the existing process used by the police department.”
Want more? View the full questionnaire (8-minute read) see our quick-and-dirty candidate guide (13-minute read) or read all the candidate profiles (+1 hour)
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Elections Aaron Brockett Aaron Gabriel Neyer Bob Yates Boulder candidates city council city of Boulder election 2023 elections homeowner Jacques Decalo Jenny Robins local elections mayor minimum wage Nicole Speer Paul Tweedlie police oversight rent control renter Ryan Schuchard Silas Atkins Taishya Adams Tara Winer Terri Brncic Tina Marquis vote voter guide Waylon Lewis