Greg Harms to resign as head of Boulder Shelter
Executive director has been in post for 19 years

Executive director has been in post for 19 years
6-1 vote passes on emergency, paving way for flood mitigation to continue
Read more Boulder city council approves annexation of CU South
Citizen petition is irrelevant, city officials say
Read more Ballot Question 302 – Let the Voters Decide on Annexation of CU South
El electorado tendrá que considerar la retórica de este gestor financiero con respecto a personas sin hogar
La petición de la población es irrelevante, afirman los políticos
Voters will have to weigh financial manager’s rhetoric on homelessness
Read more Steve Rosenblum wants to move past Boulder’s baggage. Can he overcome his own?
¿El concejo debería formalizar las reglas para formar subcomités?
¿La población de Boulder debería seguir pagando un impuesto a las ventas para financiar la infraestructura de la ciudad?
Read more Asuntos 2I y 2J: Impuesto para la comunidad, cultura, resiliencia y seguridad
Should council formalize rules for forming subcommittees?
Should Boulderites keep paying a sales tax to fund infrastructure?